Monday, August 15, 2011

Today is our first day off this week and we planned on driving to the Grand Teton's for the day. Norm always check the weathrer forcast and it didn't look all that good, so off to our favorite Coffee House ! Ran a few errands and back at the coach til this afternoon. Thought we'd try to catch some wildlife photos later in the evening.

The wind has really begun to blow and it's raining pretty hard so we've decided to get a few things done here at home til it blows over.

We have this BIG raly coming this next week-end which will fill the Prak to capacity. I work the day they arrive and I'm not looking forward to checking in almost 60, million dollar coaches. We've been told they are a very demanding group so we'll be drained of all energy by the end of it!

Friday was the Barbeque hosted by the owners of our park. Ellie Povah and family have a ranch near town and one of the outbuildings houses a huge bar and collection of old horse drawn buggys, saddles and other old cowboy paraphinallia. Just the collection is worth a fortune! As we walked in they have a mammoth saloon type bar with stools made from seats of old tractors. The actual bar was shipped from England a gazzillion years ago and is absolutely gorgeous! It is made from cherry wood, stands about 12 feet tall and runs about 50 feet in length. All the cabinets in it have beveled glass and a large mirror hangs in the center! AMAZING !! The dinner was catered...serving steaks (of coarse), green salad, pasta, and a huckleberry bread pudding for dessert. Yummy. The problem was we had to go back to work for 2 hrs afterwards. I just about fell asleep, my tummy was sooo miserable from way too much food. Uhg.

One of the couples we have worked with gave notice and left a few days ago. The Managers were a bit upset but not surprised. I guess when workampers have trouble with the work, conflicts with other workampers or anything they just leave. It's very hard to get and keep good help. Gives us some leverage if we decide to come back next summer. We're really getting the hang of this now and also enjoy putting our extra funds in savings.

Norm has some projects he wants to get done on the coach and already is getting appointments set up for this fall. I really hadn't thought much more about what we were doing after we leave here. Seemed like it was going to be a long way away. Funny, how quickly the days have gone by. Does feel good to have some plans.

Guess we're not going anywhere today... the wind is REALLY blowing and it's starting to thunder and lightning. Sky is dark. I'll have to write about the Teton's next time.

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