Saturday, September 29, 2012


I can't tell you how many times I have tried to write this blog and for some reason nothing jumps out at me for inspiration.  Up this morning at 7:30.  It rained last night and morning temps are a balmy 42*  (no frost).  It's so very difficult  :)  to be 'retired' again with the whole rest of the year to play !

We are both having our morning coffee and reading, on FB, all of your activities.  Chris & Jack just got back from a little getaway in Vancouver,BC., Kelly & Scott are playing in Cabo, Arline is writing her articles and books in Arkansas, Mary Ann is nursing a swollen toe in Yuma, Az., Bob & Linda are enjoying walks on the beach (& Bob hopefully is on the mend from a twisted muscle in his calf playing Pickleball) at Seaside, Ore., Jacob is on his way home from WAZZU for a few days, Jo is with family and Char is keeping us posted on the goings-on back at the busbarn. can be wonderful !

I have found, however, that technology can be distracting.....and that is what has led to my inability to stay focused on writing this blog.  I pulled up Blogger and one of the posts I follow had the most incredible ideas for small quilts, wallhangings and 'mug rugs' (like coasters only quilted in beautiful artwork, etc.).  I especially like the Fall & Halloween favorite time of year, anyway.  Well, it was about an hour of downloading patterns I just had to have!  So...

Our last days  at Grizzly are truely bittersweet.  We feel very at home out here in the woods.  The trees are turning color and the animals are down from the high hills.  It's mating season, so can we hear elk bugling, the wolves baying at the incredible full moon and the wonderful silence.  Norm comes back after a day of fishing and everytime he walks in the door he says, "Man, I could really get used to this !"  (He's been fishing for  a couple of months !.) 
Our workamping experience was good as well.  The group we had this year seemed very cohesive and I know us girls were in stitches most of the time.  Even the 'grumps' didn't seem to affect us as much.  I took some pic's of my little cubby so you can see where I did 'my thing' for the last months. Mine is
 the one on the right side. (The neat one !)  The photo below shows the area in front of my's a small gift shop area.

On our last day (Thurs) Brenda & Mark (managers) had a little going away party for us and one other couple who leave on Mon.  So far all but two couples 'say' they will be returning next year.  Our exit interview was Thurs and probably the shortest one, yet. As I walked in Norm had already said "Yes, yes &
yes !"  Guess that made that easy ! 

Several of us have birthdays in Oct. so I made small quilted (surprise !) table-topper/wallhangings for them.  This is my friend Maria, she's from Oakhurst, Ca. near Yosemite Natl. Park.  We are all into fall colors so these were fun to make.  Elsa & I were going to go get a pumpkin to put on the counter pumpkins, yet !  RATS !! 

I guess my 'puter doesn't want to post anymore pic's right now so I'll have to post them later. 

Well, you get the idea that I am 'consumed' with my quilting !  Norm says we have to start getting ready for travel so I had to put her away for a little while. :{  One of the gals got me started on Pintrest.  OMG !!  Another monster has been created !  Do you know you can find any imaginable craft idea on that thing ?!  Spent too much time on it last night..... But, now I have some cool ideas for my Christmas cards and some for my card stache.  Always something ! 

Norm just left for an afternoon/evening of fishing so his question to me was, "Are you going to be OK here without me ?".  My response (now, I have to act anything but the dileriously excited person inside me and say "Oh, honey, I'm not sure.... so take very good care of yourself.  I'll TRY to find something to keep me busy while you're out having the time of your life."  Right..NOT  !   :}

Well, my friends, stay safe and happy !  Do what you what you do !


Thursday, August 23, 2012


    We have started to feel a bit of transition here at Grizzly & Yellowstone.  Families are heading home to get ready for school and the park is filling up with retirees and full-timers.  One of our Workamper couples left last week and starting Labor Day we will lose one couple every week til there are only the managers and one other couple.  They will close the park down for the season and go their merry ways

     This year it has been a very dry and warm (for us) season.  Lot's of folks trying to get out of the three digit temps and the fires that have hit so many places.  We count ourselves fortunate that it didn't get too much over 85* and cooled nicely at night-time.  No severe fires to speak of either. 

     We have found that people are quite impatient, more-so than usual and it has lead to several fatal accidents in the park.  Stupidity is running rampant !!  Norm has posted a few of the incidents including the fellow who walked off the boardwalk to get a better pic of a fumerole ( a vent in the ground that releases hot steam and boiling water).  There were signs posted saying "DANGER..STAY ON BOARDWALK...GROUND IS UNSTABLE" all over the area .  As he approached the vent the ground under his feet gave way and he slid into a boiling pool of water !  It took about 10 minutes for the Medics to get there and another 10 to get the helicopter out to pull him out of the water.  I know this is gross but how long does it take to boil a piece of meat ?  Last we heard he is still alive but very heavily medicated to endure the pain.  His prognosis isn't good.

     There have not been the bear maulings like last year but several buffalo gorings and chases.  These were all instigated by tourists, of course, but none the less un-necessary. I had to laugh at the lady who wanted to know, "At what altitude does a deer turn into an elk?".   Oh, I guess I told you that one already  ....!

     Yesterday, I'm working on some cards to send to a guest and Norm yells out "O M G !!  DO YOU SEE THAT ?".  Now, I haven't the slightest idea what he's talking about but with the tone and hysteria in his voice it has to be INCREDIBLE !  Scared the ba-jeepers out of me but as soon as I was able to change my shorts and grasp the situation.... Yup..  there on the outside of our windshield and under the solar screen is a Bat!  and I don't mean baseball.  It tucked itself in for a little nap until dinner time !  Norm went out and dislodged it, placing it carefully in the forest behind us.  WOW !!  Such excitement !
     Funniest thing !  One of our guests was out touring the Big Park in their little, black, Smart car.  A number of peple in cars ahead of them stopped to take photos of a herd of buffalo walking across the road so a huge traffic jam was created.  The buffalo are starting their 'rut' (mating season)so we try to inform them not to get too close.  Well, as you can probably guess, one really big guy decided the Smart car looked like a very lovely lady and started to run towards it ! YIKES !!!     The guy sees whats going on and makes an executive decision to hit the gas and pull out and around much of the jam to get away !!  He was so funny and could hardly believe what happened !!!   What a story for his journal !
      Norm continues his part as PR ambassador for our park.  He really made an impression with the "Old Farts Club" when they were here.  Seems he would show up at their sites about lunch time with the mower, to mow, and then drive it right up to the end of their picnic table and turn the mower off !  They started setting a place for him after a couple of days !  I wondered why he wasn't as hungry as usual.  :)   Anything to stir 'stuff' up !!
We drove out to Mesa Falls last week and the views of this waterfall are spectacular.  In the picture on the right, if you look closely on the upper right side of the falls you can see a red kayak manuevering down the river !  Crazy !!  The other pic is taken right at the brim of the falls.  It feels just like you're going over !  There are so many things to see and do here !  Love it !
     I must put on my thinking cap, and decide what quilt to do next.  It is beginning to look like a quilt store in here but each quilt teaches me something new.  Sometimes it's colors, or textures or just patience but I really find it fun and rewarding.  (It's also the reason I'm not on FB or Blogging as much.  :(  ) Norm is keeping a lock on his underwear drawer, though....he says I've quilted everything.  Not quite !

     Hopefully, each one of you are doing well, also.  We do like to hear your stories and adventures on FB.  Needless to say we are having the time of our lives !   


Thursday, August 2, 2012


     We are 10 weeks into our time here At Grizzly and have 8 weeks left.  This, being our 2nd year has not had the surprises we incurred last year, but we have three new couples (new to us) that have had numerous issues.  The most common being how much physical work is required by the guys and for us girls it's not only working the computer program (campground manager) but dealing with the public !

     The "games" have started about who's coming back next year and no one wants to commit in case one of the others do or don't show up.  It's like being back in Jr Hi.   Actually,  though, I think we have a pretty compatible crew this year.

     On our days off, we have three/week, we usually spend one day exploring the big Park or the surrounding area, one day getting our shopping / laundry done (you've heard all the hours Norm has spent waiting for me at Joann's, and one day Norm goes fishing and I clean house and sew.  My latest creation has been an appliqued  Iris which has been made into a table-runner or wall-hanging,  I saw the pattern & picture and had to try it !  It is from the same series as the calla lilies I did a few quilts ago.  I find my preference in design runs towards the more artististic rather than the traditional.  Maybe it's the colors and the feeling of a more dramatic result than the traditional quilts.   The one I'm working on now is fairly simple and done in pastels.  Norm says it's a bit drab (he likes lots of color & contrast) and so I have decided to 'spruce it up' by putting an appliqued floral vine on two opposite corners.  I'll post it when its finished.  Already have some ideas for a couple more quilts I'd like to make.  I think I've turned into a quiltin' fool ! :) 

     Last evening it was so warm in the coach so I took my ironing board outside on the picnic table to make leaves and flower petals for the floral vine.  My mind wanders about some of the problems going on at work and suddenly it hits one of those Ah-Ha moments....
I'm sitting in one of the most beautiful areas, staying in a $65.00/night campsite for practically nothing, looking at the most incredibly huge, orange, full moon and creating pieces for something I really enjoy .....and I'm worried about dumb stuff at work ?  Had to take a moment and remember how many times in the past I wanted to be doing anything but working at a 'real' job !   Funny, my attitude certainly took an upward turn !  Really loved it !!

     That thought in mind I recently found my new philosophy or mission statement, if you will,  "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in  an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WooHoo" what a ride !"

     Have the most fulfilling day possible, my friends !  :)



Friday, June 15, 2012

Our neighbors and co-workers, Dave & Terrie came back from 3 days in Idaho Falls last week with this puppy !  He is a pug & shiit-szu mix, 7 weeks old and his name is Bently.  Sooo cute !
We've been out looking for a different sort of animal this last few days.  Norm has posted many of the shots of bears and buffalo but wanted to add a few more.  We go into the Park after work so we are there just before dusk.  Now that it's warming up the animals are moving into the higher hills but come down to drink from the rivers. 

  We were fortunate enough to find this cinnamon black bear foraging for grubs. They are not all that common in this area so we were pretty excited to watch for awhile.   I'm a bit concerned about the condition of her fur....we didn't know if she is changing from winter to summer coat or if it is some type of mange or other skin disease.  

Norm posted a similar pic of this family of grizzlies that we found on one of our hikes. They were busy pulling up roots and bugs and didn't seem too concerned with our presence.  One of the twins stood up to take a look so we skeedaddled on down the trail.  It's always scary to run into unexpected animals but we try to give them a wide berth and act non-threatening.
While at work this week a lady came in and asked, "At what altitude do the deer turn into elk?".   I had to turn around, away from her before she could see me break down with laughter !!  We've had some more really dumb questions !  One more was "If the power goes out in the Big Park does Old Faithful still go off ?".  DUH !!  I love this job !!  

Our season this year began with warm weather for May. The RV Park was filling up nicely. Then it rained and snowed over Memorial Day and we got cancellations causing our vacancy numbers to drop.  This week the weather is finally co-operating with some sun and warmer night-time temps.  Father's Day Week-end is almost completely booked.  Good news !

I was also able to finish the Calla Lily Quilt I started in Lk. Havasu the other day. I'm very happy with the result just not real sure where to put it !

Well guys, that's what's happening in my world this week.  Hope each of you are enjoying your days as much as we do !  :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


It doesn't seem possible but we have both been retired (at the same time) for a year now.  We are back at the Yellowstone Grizzly RV park in West Yellowstone, Mt. and have come full circle ! 

 Upon our arrival we had to go into the Park to get re-acquainted.  So glad we did, the weather was cool and animals were more visible than any other time of the season.  Spring came earlier so many of the buffalo had already dropped their calves.  Those little "red dogs" were everywhere !  Now, the Elk are having their calves.  It it so exciting to see the routine Mother Nature provides.  This little guy was trying very hard to nurse but mama didn't seem too interested right now !

On this particular drive we were able to watch a single 3 year old Grizzly graze in a field, not 50 ft from the edge of the road. You can see him here.   A mother Grizzly with a set of year old cubs put on quite a show for many spectators in a large meadow on the way to Mammoth.  The cubs tumbled and growled practicing their fighting skills on each other.  They will be on their own later this summer and mama will more than likely breed in the fall and have another cub next winter.

The Pronghorn Sheep wandered in herds up near the Lamar Valley.  I don't think we have seen this many together in the Park before.  One of the other couples said they are bearing their young now, too. They watched a new baby trying out it's legs and standing, but soooo wobbly.

In all, we were able to watch & photograph 10 bears...two were black bears, the others all Grizzlies !  WOW !! By the time our 'house' was in sight both of us were exhausted.  The altitude here is 6,660 ft and we've found it is taking a bit to get used to it, again.

After our first few days of work the managers, Brenda & Mark, threw a little party welcoming all the crew for this season.  Dinner was provided and we got a chance to meet the newbies and re-connect with those of us who were here last year. (Everyone loved my quilts and Mark said he could sell them in the store !)

So, all is going well and we're all beginning to settle in, sorta.  We wake up on Friday morning and are greeted by at least 7" of snow covering EVERYTHING !  Yikes !!  The guys that are scheduled to work today now have to find things to do inside.  No lawn mowing today !  This is Memorial Day week-end and the park has about 100 reservations on the books. By the end of the day almost half have cancelled and those that were supposed to leave had to extend their stay...they couldn't leave !   The snow melted later that day but we continued to get flurries.  Roads in YNP were closing because they are higher in altitude.  Nobody was going very far.  Ahhhhh...the life in the mountains !!

Our first full week of work is over and we now have the next three days off.  We're so very tired but maybe we should take a quick drive into Madison which is 14 miles into YNP and see what's going on !  Hmmmm......Hey Norm, don't leave without me....I just have to grab my coat !!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012


Leaving LHC about 4 weeks ago and venturing  back to Las Vegas, where we have a Thousand Trails RV Park we can stay at, free, our plan was to spend a week  here and then work our way back North to our summer job in West Yellowstone.

Elephant Rock @ Valley of Fire
 Las Vegas holds no real attraction for us until......we found the Valley of Fire State Park.  In the middle of a desert, that goes on forever, is a huge outcropping of  fabulous RED/ORANGE rock formations !  Several days were spent exploring all the old history and sights this landscape provides.  Along the way we would park at a pull-out and take off for a hike to view such sights as Mouse's Trap, a bowl carved in the stone from erosion, that holds water for months.  This was a good hide out for outlaws in the old days and was used by a bad guy nicknamed "Mouse" on a regular basis.  

White Dome was another hike that showcased an area that was used in old Western movies.  This was the most strenuous for me as it was steep going down and the temps were in the low 100's.  (I was foolish in my youth and managed to get sun/heat stroke 3 times before the age of 20.)  Needless to say heat really affects me now.  Lots of water, one of those cooling scarves and frequent rest stops later, Norm dragged me out of there !
White Dome Cliffs

A week came and went....finding more and more to do, we ended up staying 3 weeks !

Our next stop......Willowind RV Park in Hurricane, UT about 20 mi. from Zion Nat'l. Park.  The coach is under shady trees and loves the reprieve from all the sun on it's roof! 

In Zion, they have eliminated cars in the Park, so mandatory, free shuttles take tourists up to the end of the road at the Temple of Sinovawa.  It stops at each point of interest and we can get off or on anywhere along the way.

Riverside Walk is a 2 1/2 mi (roundtrip) hike to the Narrows.  This hike was easy and had shade and weeping walls full of fragrant Columbine and other Spring flowers.  Water seeps out of the rocks from the snow melt above giving these plants a place to grow.  The end is an area to rest and/or change to water shoes for those who want to continue across the Virgin River to "the Narrows".
Looking toward the Narrows across the Virgin River
Arches along Riverside Walk
The river is shallow today and can be waded easily. The end of this walk is a narrow cut through the rocks. You can touch both sides simultaneously. This trail continues on and comes out to another more difficult hike that needs ropes, etc. Not my cup of tea !

We pass Angel's Landing.  It is the epitome of hikes here at Zion !  Running about 4 miles in length, hikers climb up the trail which traverses a very narrow ridge across a rock wall.  It is not for anyone afraid of heights or unable to walk well.  Norm says " Ya want to try that one ?"
"Uuhhmmm.....NO ! " was my response. !!  Maybe when we come here another time ! ( Like the next century !)
Columbine Flowers

Flower Garden on Weeping Wall

Our next hike was Emerald Pools.  The upper pool is created by run-off from snow and creates a large pool at the top of many overhanging rock shelves. It drains down into the middle pool and then to the lower pool.  By the time it got to the lower pool there wasn't much water left.  Looked like a run-off pond at home !  Some guy who overheard my reaction said there hasn't been much snow this year so it looks a little puny. 

We had the lunch which Norm put together this morning,  (He knew I wasn't getting out of bed til the very last second !), under a pergola at Zion Lodge.  We spent some time "people watching" and enjoying our crackers/cheese, icy cold grapes, cookies and drink.  Tough way to spend the day !

This is truely the most wonderful way of life, for us, anyway !  We meet some very interesting people, inspiring many to join us on the road.  Just when we think there isn't much more to know about full-timing, someone comes along and teaches us something new.  We love it !!  

Today is Mother's Day and I can't think of a better way to spend it....enjoying all Mother Nature has to offer ....on this...our Mother Earth !!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


The last few weeks have been both troubling and insightful for me.   As you  all know I have a real love for quilting since taking a gazzillion classes here in LHC.  One of the techniques is called "stippling" and is done on the machine to quilt a specific area or the entire quilt.  The machine needs to have features (free-motion) that allow it to do so.  Apparently, mine doesn't have that feature.  I only found this out after talking to people in the know at classes, stores, online and over the phone.  Each had their own ideas and said I should be able to do this but...nope.   This took me a few weeks and much frustration but just couldn't or wouldn't work.

OK, so the next step is to find a machine that did have this feature.   Again, I spoke to everyone I could to see what they had or recommended.  Jon Ali ( a local quilt store) had some machines to look at and try.  I found a very nice Viking.  My taste being what it is......the machine sells for over $1600.00 !  Yikes !    (I know...... a good machine isn't cheap but when you're on a fixed income it is alot!)  There are two other ladies that ordered and paid for this machine but none were in stock at this time and they had no clue when to expect any.   They'll call when they are in.  

Maybe I don't really need to do any free-motion.  Norm says, wait til we get to Bozeman and look at the quilt stores there.  They have several that are nice stores. 

A week later I got a call from a gentleman named "Charlie" and he owns Odegaard's Sewing Center in Flagstaff, AZ.  He says a friend of mine called and explained my situation and he would like to help.  The machine I liked was not in stock at his store either but he would call Viking and find out why they were back-ordered, then let me know.   Two days later he called back and had a brand new Viking Sapphire 875 computerized machine ready for me to pick up.  Flagstaff is a 4 hour drive from here, one way !  No, can't do that.   We bantered back and forth and after much joking, dickering and such, Charlie said he'd sell it to me for $899.00 , pay the tax and ship it at his expense, it would arrive on Tues. (This was Thurs.).   You Betcha, OK !

I was very excited and knew I wouldn't sleep much for a few days.  The next morning Norm took me for coffee, his phone rings and it's Linda telling him FedEx just dropped a BIG box at their door.   Good ole Charlie sent my new machine overnight express !!  Now THAT is superior customer service !   I couldn't believe my eyes !  Just so you know Charlie is my Hero !  

I had to send Norm out for ? (whatever) so I could play with my new toy !   It came already threaded so of course I had to try it out.  Put the fabric under the needle and hit GO.   Whoa !....did it ever !    Now, how do I get that fabric out from under the presser foot ?  Took me 2 days ..... had to read that manual 4 times !  I've called one of the stores in Bozeman and we've set up some time to teach me how to use this puppy.   I'm sure glad I took all those computer classes in Feb......this is all computerized and could be very  intimidating !   Norm says, now I have to find someone to buy my old machine.  Kinda tough when we're on the road.

Just as an up-date.....the Jon Ali store still has not contacted me.   Don't think I'll do much shopping there.   Now I can only hope the small spool of thread that came with the machine will hold out til I get to Bozeman.   Not sure how to thread it !  Back to the manual !!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


      My oh my !!  Spring is really here and we've been notified of our Summer work schedules.  Time to think about making sure all our gear is ready to move back to West Yellowstone.

       Last week it was a wheel bearing, then found out the harness wiring had rubbed down to the copper wires.  All taken care of, now.  Engine was tuned and lubed before we got here, the paint re-done last Christmas and  interior beautified in February. 

      One of our first stops will be Las Vegas, again.  It's got a Costco, Camping World, Bass Pro Shop and a Joann's so we can stock up on goodies !  Funny, we thought it wouldn't be a big deal to make a Costco run while we are here but it's a LONG drive to Vegas and back, about 300 miles round trip.  Next time we'll stock up on the necessities. 

      On one of Mary Ann's FB posts she said there is a different kind of beauty here.  We thought we'd miss the trees, as she said but the desert is gorgeous.  I love learning about the various cacti and to see and smell such fragrant blooms ... we hear coyotes yipping almost every night and road runners and jack rabbits run under our coach every day.  So far no snakes !

      It's hard to describe it all...but believe me it is a wonderous place.   Two things I can't get used to...1) remembering it is winter, when the temps are so warm and 2) the amount of dust that my vacuum picks up everyday !   I think I've single handedly cleaned the entire desert or at least replaced it once or twice ! 

       Lake Havasu City (LHC) is a mecca for retiree's.  The resources have been thought out well and if anyone were to say there's nothing to do here it's their own fault.  I have told you of all the classes, etc, but beyond that the lake provides all kinds of play as does the desert.  Next year we plan to get a small boat for Norm to fish from and if I get my way I'd like to get a side x side desert vehicle.  ( We'll have to load up on sunscreen or we'll be two little crispy critters !)   The biggest problem with getting these toys though, is, not the cost but where do we store them?  Hmmmmm!  All in all our stay here has been alot of fun !

       Norm just reminded me that next time we head this direction (south) we are going down the Coast.  We haven't seen ocean beaches for way too long ! There are some very nice (we're told) Thousand Trail Parks along the California coastline that we need to experience so our arrival in LHC, next Fall,  will be later.

        You have heard, from Norm, on FB, that we're dying in the heat......the last couple of days have been in the low to mid 70's and just perfect for anything outside and for sleeping.   I guess it will get hot again just after Easter so we'll plan to head north.   After Vegas, we'll look for a campground near Bryce & Zion Natl. Parks.   The kids were little last time we were there so it's probably changed just a tad.  The elevation is higher so temps will be cooler.  Gotta get re-acclimated for Montana !  (Our Winter).  :)    We'll go at this slowly !     It'll feel good getting back on the road....until we have to fill the fuel tank !!   Gad's, that's going to be a shock !!! 

       Many of you are on Spring Break.....only how many more days til the end of school ?   Enjoy your time off......we love ours ! 

        Just a quick note.....remember to.take care of your health !   That's one of the main topics of conversation (as well as Hot-Rods) among retiree's.  Many have such issues reguarding their health and are unable to do much at all....they really envy those that can and regret their lack of foresight.  Sad...Sad !    Soooo much to do........but you need to be able to walk & the same time !!




Saturday, March 17, 2012


      You keep hearing me say that I can't believe how fast the time goes. Well, Lake Havasu City (LHC) literally caters to it's Snowbird and I for one am going to take advantage of as much as I can ! 

      This last month I have been enjoying all the quilting I can.  I took a Basic Quilting class to start, as it's been a long time since I've done any sewing.   The instructors for all the classes I've taken are very low-key and flexible so even if I think I've made a big boo-boo they know how to fix it without tearing it completely apart.  I like that !  Our first quilt was called "Sunshine".  Southwest colors were my choice... we had two 8 hr sessions to finish and me being me couldn't settle on what everyone else was doing, so I added some pizzaz by including a cactus on one corner.  It turned out great and is actually a favorite so far.

      The next class was Applique....also known as the 'A' word.  Most people stay away from this technique as it can be complicated.  It couldn't have been easier !  Bettye is a world class instuctor and well-known in the quilting world and she showed us how to take the stress out of applique.  I was surprised, when I went home to finish for the next class, how relaxing the hand appliquing was for me.   Go figure.  I will include more in my next work.

      Paper Piecing is an art unto itself.  It's difficult to describe the technique but I was sure it wasn't for me......Surprise.....Suprise !   It's actually easier than any of the others !   The ear of corn picture is paper pieced and the flower is appliqued.

      Ok, now these were my Quilting Classes....then in between I enrolled at the Mohave Community College for computer classes.  These are usually 4-5 hrs of instruction reguarding how to use your computer to it's full advantage ( like the kid's do !).  It caters to us 'older' folks who don't use computers all the time.  I learned how to navigate through Windows 7, how to organize my folders, take digital photo's, edit them and make a slide show presentation with sound out of selected pic's, AND how to make hardbound books from selected pic's.   Whew !!!   So, what do I do in my spare time, you ask ?

      Norm's routine is to leave me off at either the library or the quilt shop and go over to the Island to do his 3.6 mile walk.  (Or so he says).  This week the college kids are here for Spring Break and they are PARTYING!  You can see the kid's (wearing next to nothing) on one side of the canal whooping it up and the old guys on the other side drooling !  Were they ever that young and muscular, they ask....did the girls look like this back then ?   Nobody can remember !  Ha

      It's fun to watch the retirees, though.  It reminds me of Jr High.  The 'girls' are dressed in co-ordinating seer-sucker outfits or petal-pushers (not capris)and are found hanging out in their little groups.  Hair is done perfectly and they giggle.   The guys are all puffed out in preppy outfits (khaki shorts and golf shirts) or cut-offs and Tees.  They're busy talking hot-rods and bikes (motor) ,  really important stuff !   We do go through another childhood......!   Nothing is taken too seriously and "everybody lies" !   So much fun !!!!

      The weather has been amazing !   I know you guys are tired of hearing Norm post that but it's true.  We get a few days of wind here and there but the sun always comes out sometime during the day.  LHC doesn't put street lights in the residentual at night the stars shine bright.  We often take our chairs and sit out beside the coach watching the shooting stars....not too good at identifying any constellations, yet, but we found a book to help.   Then it's off to bed.....we have to get up early to go have coffee with the "old farts" in the morning.

Life may be tough for retirees but I have to say, if you get the chance, become one !!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Early Spring Frenzy !

"When did I ever have time to work?" Yea, yea..we've heard that sooo many times from retiree's that it seemed to be a catch phrase,  we had no clue what they were talking about.  This last month we FINALLY understand !

The middle of January was the Balloon Fest. We volunteered for Night Glow, helping the balloons set up and hover While the sun went down.  It was spectacular !

The next week-end was the BBQ & Chile Cook-Off.  We volunteered there as well.  I believe Norm has posted pic's of all these events on his FB page so you may have heard of these already.

On week days we are out at the Island walking the 3.6 mi. walk/bike path, sight-seeing, or visiting with current & new friends.  We are now considered one of the regular "Old Farts" at McDonalds coffee in the mornings.  Seniors are very resourceful and take advantage of anything 2-fer, free or on a coupon.  We have been well informed so we do our part to fulfill our end.

The local Community College (MCC- Mojave Community College) offered a week-long series of classes last week.  Everything from swimming, kayaking,golf, Botanical Gardening, etc.  We signed up for three days worth.  Norm will have to tell you about his classes but my first day, all day, was learning computer basics.  Second class taught us how organize pictures on Picasa and then make a movie with them, including music!  Another was taking all our Pic's and creating a hardbound book of any special event or trip.  Fantastic!   By the end of the day my little brain was on overload trying to figure out what I wanted to do first.  I spend evenings pouring over even old snapshots to include in my next project.

Wednesday was quilting.  Lot's of coupons and free patterns.  I signed up for three more day-long classes on basic's (again), appliques and paper-piecing.  It feels so good to have time to sew again !
When I'm done I'll post pic's of my accomplishments. 

Thursday was Journaling, Creative Writing & Short Stories.  Again lots of good information, however, my head is still wrapped around quilting!  Near the end of our classes Norm & I met up and took one last class together.  "Exploring the Backcountry on ATV's".  Now I was already excited over the idea of backroading, (Norm posted pic's about this, too)..... FORGET about computers and sewing !!  I want to get a Polaris RZR S 800, or Arctic Cat 1000 Side X Side dirt buggy !!!    WHOA what fun!!
Norm says, "Do you know what those things cost?"   Hmmm.....I'll figure out a way...hmmmmm!

Friday, January 13, 2012


We are two weeks into the new year and things are not slowing down !

Our holidays were spent in Denver & Winter Park, CO. with our kids.  Had a great time in all that snow but it's ever so nice to be back in warmer weather.

Norm & Bob had prepped the coach for new paint along the roof-line before we left and Bob  had it all done  by the time we got back.  He did a super job and we are grateful !  Griz looks brand new again !   The inside is next.   We're back outside the big motorhome garage, now, and loving the beautiful sunsets every night.

People have told us many, many times how they don't know how they had time to work after retirement because they are so busy......well, now we know what that feels like.....and it is fabulous !   With most of the coach-work done we have been able to get out and see the area.

Norm found some interesting hikes so we did a nice easy walk the first day out to Lk. Havasu.  The next day was a 6 miler through "Crack in the Mountain".  You may have seen the pic's Norm posted on FB.  It was MUCH more strenuous involving climbing...even down dry falls in a crease through the rocks.  At some places the space between the walls was only a couple of feet wide, not for the claustrophobic, but quite an adventure. The trail getting back was either back the way we came (which was not an option....this girl was NOT going to get her back-side  back up that 7 ft sliding rock!) so we went around and uphill but no climbing was involved.  The scenery is trees to obstruct the view. Really a fun day !   Until I got home and sat down for awhile !  OMG !  My legs were NOT going anywhere soon ! 
Took two days to feel anything but pain in my legs !  

 Oatman is an old gold mining town about 50 mi. from here.  It lies on the old Route 66 highway .  Don't know much about it so I'll need to do some research.  What I do know is there are about a dozen wild burros that make Oatman home.   They like to be fed alfalfa chunks but they LOVE carrots....which I had....two pockets full!    Two baby burros followed "mama" around town and were adorable !  They have stickers on their heads saying "Do not feed me ANYTHING".  Because they are still nursing it's difficult for them to digest hard food and they could choke.   Locals in town staged a shoot-out for us but a bit too noisy for me.

Saturday, we have a meeting for the Balloon-Fest volunteers.  This is the 2nd Annual Lk. Havasu's Balloon-Fest. These are the big hot-air balloons and this year they are expecting between 68-70 of them.   When we were at the Visitor's Center we heard some folks mention the need for volunteers.   We asked about it and were quickly escorted around royally, so now we'll be helping with the ground part of landing and loading the balloons.  It's called the Balloon Glo....the balloons are lit inside by the burners against the night sky.  Don't know much more than that til it week !

The Parks Dept. has put together a variety of classes,  over a week's time, called "Spring Frenzy".  People with knowledge of any specialty have donated their time and expertise to teach the rest of us, hopefully.  We signed up for computer classes, digital camera info, journaling and of course quilting !   This happens the first week in Feb.   Soooo much to do !
We haven't even had time to get the kayaks out, yet.

I posted this on FB but I would like to say it again....."Thank You" to all our friends who have insisted we visit Arizona !  We are having the best time...waking up (at a civilized ) time to sunshine everyday, knowing we don't have to be to work,  there is always an adventure waiting to happen and then watching the gorgeous sunsets out our living room window at the end of the day......doesn't get much better !