Friday, June 15, 2012

Our neighbors and co-workers, Dave & Terrie came back from 3 days in Idaho Falls last week with this puppy !  He is a pug & shiit-szu mix, 7 weeks old and his name is Bently.  Sooo cute !
We've been out looking for a different sort of animal this last few days.  Norm has posted many of the shots of bears and buffalo but wanted to add a few more.  We go into the Park after work so we are there just before dusk.  Now that it's warming up the animals are moving into the higher hills but come down to drink from the rivers. 

  We were fortunate enough to find this cinnamon black bear foraging for grubs. They are not all that common in this area so we were pretty excited to watch for awhile.   I'm a bit concerned about the condition of her fur....we didn't know if she is changing from winter to summer coat or if it is some type of mange or other skin disease.  

Norm posted a similar pic of this family of grizzlies that we found on one of our hikes. They were busy pulling up roots and bugs and didn't seem too concerned with our presence.  One of the twins stood up to take a look so we skeedaddled on down the trail.  It's always scary to run into unexpected animals but we try to give them a wide berth and act non-threatening.
While at work this week a lady came in and asked, "At what altitude do the deer turn into elk?".   I had to turn around, away from her before she could see me break down with laughter !!  We've had some more really dumb questions !  One more was "If the power goes out in the Big Park does Old Faithful still go off ?".  DUH !!  I love this job !!  

Our season this year began with warm weather for May. The RV Park was filling up nicely. Then it rained and snowed over Memorial Day and we got cancellations causing our vacancy numbers to drop.  This week the weather is finally co-operating with some sun and warmer night-time temps.  Father's Day Week-end is almost completely booked.  Good news !

I was also able to finish the Calla Lily Quilt I started in Lk. Havasu the other day. I'm very happy with the result just not real sure where to put it !

Well guys, that's what's happening in my world this week.  Hope each of you are enjoying your days as much as we do !  :)