Sunday, August 21, 2011


OMG! You guys should see the coaches in our park this week! A Prevost Rally has taken over almost every pull/thru site we have. 60, 45 ft motorhomes that start at about one million dollars +...each is towing a trailer about 25-30 ft long, painted to match the coach...and inside the trailers they have Harley motorcycles, also painted to match...and then a hydrolic lift comes down from the ceiling and they have some kind of car also painted to match !!! We have never seen so much chrome in our lives !

A few came in last Friday and we had to check them in. Women with diamonds all over their fingers, upscale clothes, and lots of plastic surgery (eyes,lips and boobs) and make-up. Norm says "Isn't it nice that all these old guys with these big expensive rigs thought to bring their daughters and nieces!" WOW !

I was told how they could be demanding but just seeing how competitive they are about everything, money, cars, bikes, young wives, etc its a wonder they live to be old. We can feel the tension and stress in the office when they come in.

Norm told me he wouldn't feel comfortable owning a coach like would you be able to drive one into a State/Nat'l Campground and worry about scratching it...even if the park could accomodate a 45 ft coach! And if we got sand in it from the beach...YIKES!!! We laughed...just can't picture these gals hiking up a trail with sweat on their brow...or racing on the beach to dig a razor clam ! They don't know what they are missin'!

Speaking of hiking up a trail...last week we did just that and as I was working my way around to take pic's of Norm I started to slide on some loose gravel, caught my left foot on a rock, fell forward ( my behind just kept on goin' downhill!) and hyper-extended my knee ! OUCHY !!! It's been almost a week and it is still sore. (Just wanted you to know in case I can garner more sympathy over it ..haha.)

We finally got to see our first moose! I've been waiting 3 months to see a moose! A mama and baby were grazing in a stream near Island Park. Really weird looking animals...with very tall ears...they look like a donkey's ears. We watched for a while until mama became nervous having a growing audience. She decided enough was enough, took Jr and went into the forest.

On Wed., we were sitting at our favorite coffee house and realized that In-Service & Route Pick was probably on Thurs/Fri. morning and for the first time neither of us were going to be attending! We would have left this area a few days ago and headed 'home' and summer would almost be over for us, again. Can't tell you how happy we are to be able to stay here. Most of the families have headed home to get ready for school so the park is much quieter. We are still full every night but the clientele is mostly couples. As soon as this rally is over it'll be even quieter... I like it !

Some of the other couples working here will start leaving right before Labor Day. I think we are one of two couples staying until the first of October. It felt weird to lose our first couple 2 weeks ago so we'll see how things go from here. We're just now getting the hang of things and the season will soon be over! We can already feel some chill in the mornings and of coarse it gets darker earlier in the PM. (I don't like to get up early enough to see when it gets light in the AM! I'll have to take Norm's word for it!)

Sooooo, to all our Bus Driver friends (and Secretaries) so sorry we're not there but we'll be think' 'bout ya on the first day of school. (Only 179 more days after that!) Luv ya guys !

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