Monday, September 19, 2011

JUST STUFF.........!!

      Labor Day is past and we expected things to quiet down a bit so we could relax... but Oh No!!'s been as busy as ever! The place is booked every night!   Those (in the office) who have been here before say now the "Gray Hairs" are out !  They are right...mostly retired folks arriving and are they ever demanding!  Holy Cow, Batman!!!    First off, they don't like to make reservations so they just show up.  Sometimes we have space for them and sometimes not.  Boy, do they have a fit when it's full.

     "This is the time of year when Campgrounds slow down,  what do you mean there's no spaces left for us?"

      It takes twice as long to get them registered (we have to get all their info while they stand there) and often they walk around looking at the  merchandise and don't pay attention to us.   OR......they see someone they met at another place and  have the 'down home reunion' right there in the office!  Sheesh!

      I loved the lady who came in to get a refund on her site for that night because she forgot the KOA (5 miles West of town) was having a one free night if you pay for two campaign !   Or...the man who wanted his money back because he didn't see ANY animals in the YNP (Yellowstone Nat'l Park).  >_<

      The weather is changing quickly, now and our nice warm 80* days and 40* nights are cooling off.   It rained Sat. and the whining we heard from campers was crazy!  Many of them shortened their trip because it was too wet, or it got too cold and we didn't bring clothes for this.   (Why wouldn't anyone who is going to the mountains , 6,666 ft altitude, in the Fall, at least bring a jacket ?)  I really think I liked the vacationers better.  They came, with money to spend and only a few days to see everything , then went home.  

       Walking thru town today we saw the businesses are putting up Christmas trees and outside lights!   We asked why so soon and they explained the snow could arrive any time and it's easier to put them up now instead of trying to thread lights on a tree covered in snow and ice.  Makes sense, just felt weird!   We're still in summer mode.   The weeks have just flown by and we're not even ready for Fall let alone the Holidays!! :(

      Last week the couple who lived next to us went home to Puyallup.  We liked them alot and it was very hard to say Goodbye.   Another couple leaves this coming Wed. so we'll be down to just the last 3 couples.   (We're  next to leave but our departure date isn't til Oct. 5th. )  SAD....SAD   Despite  a rather rocky beginning we have really enjoyed our time here.

      Oh......for those of you who saw the camera pic I posted on FB the other day.....Norm has grumbled and squirmed about getting a new ..BIGGER....BETTER... camera all summer long.  I keep saying "Get the darn thing so you'll have it here!"   He has procrastinated forever!!!   Now  he orders it, 3 weeks before we are leaving, right?   The store won't deliver it to an RV Park!  He re-orders it and tells them this is our residence, which is true.......they aren't sure if it can be sent or not ...check after the week-end.   He finally got through to them this evening and it was just shipped.   Guess we'll see how long it will take to get here!

      We actually saw that camera and it belongs to the man in the photo.  He is a professional photographer and takes and sells wildlife photos to magazines.   We expected to see a fabulous Elk, Moose or Bear on the other side of that lens.   Turns out he's getting shots of rodents burrowing in the hillside.   The native Pika, which is a cute little mouse-like creature has diminished in numbers over the last few years.  They aren't on the endangered species list yet but studies are being done to prevent that.  

      We have two more days off and the plan is to go up to the Lamar Valley and Norm's favorite fishin' hole.  I'm going to take my little "Point & Shoot" camera and see if I can get some shots of ALL these fish Norm is catching!               Think I'll take a good book along...just in case!    :)

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