Monday, May 9, 2011


      Most of our "Details" are now worked out and we are able to sit with the morning sun, warm on our faces and reflect on the things and people that got us here.  We have talked about traveling in our Motorhome for so many years but it was always, someday, in the future.  Many of our friends were inspired by our idea's and stories and decided it was a great life-style, so they bought a rig and off they our dream!   

      Today, we find ourselves "here" .   We looked at each other  and at the same time said, "Well, what do we do now?!"  Laughing, the obvious answer was...Whatever we want !  This really is the start of a new adventure! 

       Norm got his camera out and we downloaded some pictures of friends we left behind in Lk Pleasant RV Park in Bothell.  Having lived there for nearly 14 years we got to know a few of the full-timer's pretty well.  The managers, Jeff & Sandy, & the assist. manager's Ron & Bonita are second to none in their jobs.  Helpful, eager to please, and always full of it (that would be Ron), we enjoyed the stories and bantor that was readily exchanged.

     Patty, is quite the personality!  She knows everything that goes on in the Park and LOVES to tease Norm.  She has professed to be "the Queen of Harrassment" and regularly does what she can to prove it!

      Norm's Mom is also in Bothell, and it was difficult to see how much she will miss having us so close.  She is strong, though, and has her daughter near-by. 

      We watched a new couple move in next door.  They are brand new to RVing!  Know how we can tell?...they are yelling at each other and neither of them can hear the other, but everyone else here can! OMG... they are backing their 5th wheel onto the grass! (Supposed to stay on the asphalt guys!)  Aaaahhhhh....remember when we were new...soo long ago.

      Spent the evening getting acquainted and answering sooo many of their questions.  We could see how overwhelmed they were by the dazed looks in their eyes.  Or was that all the wine we drank!  Hmmm.

       As slumber started to overtake us that night we listened to a serenade of yips and howls by the local coyotes. It was almost eerie but at the same time melodious.  Such  a wonderful way  to fall asleep!

       Remembering that we will be meeting so many new friends on our travels, and keeping in touch with ALL our friends makes leaving easier.  WE e expect to see many of them "on the road" sometime soon!


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