Wednesday, August 31, 2011


We've been gearing up for the Summer and all of a sudden it's almost over ! Three months has gone by and now there is only one month left. Hard to believe ! Norm has been busy with maintainence and I finally feel comfortable in the office. Well... until we got a new couple that started last Sunday.

      ' John & Jane' live about 70 miles from here and come to help with the end of season 'stuff '. Apparently, I said/did something that set her off! Maybe I did, don't know for sure,( probably did ) but she told me in front of a roomfull that , I was RUDE... really..really RUDE ! HMMM. Decided it was best to leave. Came back about an hour later and we duked it out. It's been awhile since I've been involved in a 'cat fight' but wasn't going to back down. that we have that over Mary & I can be friends! Sometimes us girls just have to clear the air !

      You may have heard our favorite Coffee Shop has been sold and the Barista, that as been there forever, was let go. We had to go and have our final cuppa Joe with her this AM. She will be missed by many. While there, we read that another Grizzly fatality took place, last week-end on the Mary Mt. Trail about 5 miles from the trailhead. A 59 yr old Michigan man was hiking alone and was mauled. Haven't heard all the details but he didn't have any Bear Spray with him. The really scary thing about this, is, we hiked this trail a few weeks ago and posted pic's we took of a male Grizzly. Don't know if it is the same bear or not, but they are territorial. This bear has not been found, yet, and will probably be destroyed when they do. The Park Ranger's are always telling people not to hike alone, take Bear Spray, make noise and if you see a bear, any bear, leave the area. SAD...SAD !

        The weather has been sooo beautiful here for the last few months. ( We hear from many of you how the heat is so miserable or.... from our friends in the Pacific NW how wet and grey the days have been.) In the last few days, there has been a slight change. The clouds set in and the thunder & lightening can clamor for hours. The temps at night will be close to freezing on Fri & Sat. Guess Fall is trying to poke through soon. We just hope the Snow God's don't arrive anytime soon.

      On one of our outings to Hayden Valley, the Bison were the meadows and on the road. Traffic was backed up for miles in both directions. It's most entertaining to just sit and watch them any time but now they are "rutting". If the female is ready she curls her tail up and off to the side. They circle each other in courtship as if teasing and then play a game of cat and mouse. This goes on for a few more weeks then Spring we have new "red dogs" ! AMAZING !!!

      Can't believe Labor Day is this week-end. Most people will be returning home, resuming their normal lives after putting the 'camper' in storage. We hadn't really thought about life after our job here at Grizzly until we realized we lose one couple every week til the middle of Oct. (Our last day is the end of Sept.) The other couples have Winter jobs and have definate plans after leaving . We don't ! Sure feels weird not having a job we must return to or for that matter a place we must be!

       So, for all you who have a job or place to be...carry on! For the rest of you who have begun this "Gypsy" lifestyle and have paved the way....See you on the road ! :))

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