Thursday, August 23, 2012


    We have started to feel a bit of transition here at Grizzly & Yellowstone.  Families are heading home to get ready for school and the park is filling up with retirees and full-timers.  One of our Workamper couples left last week and starting Labor Day we will lose one couple every week til there are only the managers and one other couple.  They will close the park down for the season and go their merry ways

     This year it has been a very dry and warm (for us) season.  Lot's of folks trying to get out of the three digit temps and the fires that have hit so many places.  We count ourselves fortunate that it didn't get too much over 85* and cooled nicely at night-time.  No severe fires to speak of either. 

     We have found that people are quite impatient, more-so than usual and it has lead to several fatal accidents in the park.  Stupidity is running rampant !!  Norm has posted a few of the incidents including the fellow who walked off the boardwalk to get a better pic of a fumerole ( a vent in the ground that releases hot steam and boiling water).  There were signs posted saying "DANGER..STAY ON BOARDWALK...GROUND IS UNSTABLE" all over the area .  As he approached the vent the ground under his feet gave way and he slid into a boiling pool of water !  It took about 10 minutes for the Medics to get there and another 10 to get the helicopter out to pull him out of the water.  I know this is gross but how long does it take to boil a piece of meat ?  Last we heard he is still alive but very heavily medicated to endure the pain.  His prognosis isn't good.

     There have not been the bear maulings like last year but several buffalo gorings and chases.  These were all instigated by tourists, of course, but none the less un-necessary. I had to laugh at the lady who wanted to know, "At what altitude does a deer turn into an elk?".   Oh, I guess I told you that one already  ....!

     Yesterday, I'm working on some cards to send to a guest and Norm yells out "O M G !!  DO YOU SEE THAT ?".  Now, I haven't the slightest idea what he's talking about but with the tone and hysteria in his voice it has to be INCREDIBLE !  Scared the ba-jeepers out of me but as soon as I was able to change my shorts and grasp the situation.... Yup..  there on the outside of our windshield and under the solar screen is a Bat!  and I don't mean baseball.  It tucked itself in for a little nap until dinner time !  Norm went out and dislodged it, placing it carefully in the forest behind us.  WOW !!  Such excitement !
     Funniest thing !  One of our guests was out touring the Big Park in their little, black, Smart car.  A number of peple in cars ahead of them stopped to take photos of a herd of buffalo walking across the road so a huge traffic jam was created.  The buffalo are starting their 'rut' (mating season)so we try to inform them not to get too close.  Well, as you can probably guess, one really big guy decided the Smart car looked like a very lovely lady and started to run towards it ! YIKES !!!     The guy sees whats going on and makes an executive decision to hit the gas and pull out and around much of the jam to get away !!  He was so funny and could hardly believe what happened !!!   What a story for his journal !
      Norm continues his part as PR ambassador for our park.  He really made an impression with the "Old Farts Club" when they were here.  Seems he would show up at their sites about lunch time with the mower, to mow, and then drive it right up to the end of their picnic table and turn the mower off !  They started setting a place for him after a couple of days !  I wondered why he wasn't as hungry as usual.  :)   Anything to stir 'stuff' up !!
We drove out to Mesa Falls last week and the views of this waterfall are spectacular.  In the picture on the right, if you look closely on the upper right side of the falls you can see a red kayak manuevering down the river !  Crazy !!  The other pic is taken right at the brim of the falls.  It feels just like you're going over !  There are so many things to see and do here !  Love it !
     I must put on my thinking cap, and decide what quilt to do next.  It is beginning to look like a quilt store in here but each quilt teaches me something new.  Sometimes it's colors, or textures or just patience but I really find it fun and rewarding.  (It's also the reason I'm not on FB or Blogging as much.  :(  ) Norm is keeping a lock on his underwear drawer, though....he says I've quilted everything.  Not quite !

     Hopefully, each one of you are doing well, also.  We do like to hear your stories and adventures on FB.  Needless to say we are having the time of our lives !   


Thursday, August 2, 2012


     We are 10 weeks into our time here At Grizzly and have 8 weeks left.  This, being our 2nd year has not had the surprises we incurred last year, but we have three new couples (new to us) that have had numerous issues.  The most common being how much physical work is required by the guys and for us girls it's not only working the computer program (campground manager) but dealing with the public !

     The "games" have started about who's coming back next year and no one wants to commit in case one of the others do or don't show up.  It's like being back in Jr Hi.   Actually,  though, I think we have a pretty compatible crew this year.

     On our days off, we have three/week, we usually spend one day exploring the big Park or the surrounding area, one day getting our shopping / laundry done (you've heard all the hours Norm has spent waiting for me at Joann's, and one day Norm goes fishing and I clean house and sew.  My latest creation has been an appliqued  Iris which has been made into a table-runner or wall-hanging,  I saw the pattern & picture and had to try it !  It is from the same series as the calla lilies I did a few quilts ago.  I find my preference in design runs towards the more artististic rather than the traditional.  Maybe it's the colors and the feeling of a more dramatic result than the traditional quilts.   The one I'm working on now is fairly simple and done in pastels.  Norm says it's a bit drab (he likes lots of color & contrast) and so I have decided to 'spruce it up' by putting an appliqued floral vine on two opposite corners.  I'll post it when its finished.  Already have some ideas for a couple more quilts I'd like to make.  I think I've turned into a quiltin' fool ! :) 

     Last evening it was so warm in the coach so I took my ironing board outside on the picnic table to make leaves and flower petals for the floral vine.  My mind wanders about some of the problems going on at work and suddenly it hits one of those Ah-Ha moments....
I'm sitting in one of the most beautiful areas, staying in a $65.00/night campsite for practically nothing, looking at the most incredibly huge, orange, full moon and creating pieces for something I really enjoy .....and I'm worried about dumb stuff at work ?  Had to take a moment and remember how many times in the past I wanted to be doing anything but working at a 'real' job !   Funny, my attitude certainly took an upward turn !  Really loved it !!

     That thought in mind I recently found my new philosophy or mission statement, if you will,  "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in  an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WooHoo" what a ride !"

     Have the most fulfilling day possible, my friends !  :)